Monday, March 23, 2009


PM: first, we are weaning our blogging down to once per day--just a heads up.  this is the last post for today.  no change in Ryan--he's doing pretty well.  when he is awake he is taking additional breaths beyond what the ventilator is doing so that is good.  Nora deteriorated pretty quickly today and has been put back on the ventilator.  she has aspiration pneumonia, it seems.  she hasn't opened her eyes or responded to me at all today, which is not like her at all.  she is getting a transfusion as i type this, which should help her out a bit.  here's hoping she perks up quickly.  if  we weren't living this nightmare, i would think we were making this up.

AM: when we came in this morning, Nora looked awful. she was having lots of episodes of apnea (not breathing) and was very pale and lethargic. They had to put her back on the CPAP machine to help her breathe and she is not better. Now, she's even more floppy and not responding to much of anything--if she doesn't improve, she will be back on the ventilator. They are doing a workup on her to find out if she's infected--another spinal tap, another set of blood cultures, another urine culture. please pray for her.
Ryan is still looking better-his weight is down and they have been able to go down on his ventilator settings even more.


  1. Dear John & Jessica, I just found out today about this blog. I was unaware of the serious condition of Nora and Ryan. I am so sorry and want you to know that my love and prayers will be with you constantly. I am still in Florida but will be in Mi. in April. Love, Aunt Rachel

  2. Praying...always praying. God is good. He will take care of your babies. We're always thinking of you and checking in here many times a day and then phoning friends and sending emails with updates to others. There are so many people praying for your family. We love you.

    Chris and Jody

  3. Jessica and John---With all that is going on, Vin and I are so grateful that you take the time to update friends and family with this blog. Please know that we are always thinking of and praying for you, Nora and Ryan. They are very special little babies who have endured so much already, but have the love and prayers of so many folks surrounding them.
    We love you.
    Sherry and Vin

  4. John and Jessica.
    Wanted to let you know I and the Wild @ Heart Mens group are in prayer for you.

  5. Jessica,
    My thoughts & prayers are w/ you & your family. I thought of Nora & Ryan (& my dear friends son who passed last month at 6 months old) as I watched my girls turn 1 to help me remember that I am blessed beyond all I ever imagined. I pray that you too will get to watch your Nora & Ryan turn 1. Lots of love & hugs to you, your family & N & R!

    Lisa (aka luckyfin) & her munchkins.

  6. Dear Jessica and John---Uncle Ron and I are in prayer each and every day asking for peace and strength for the both of you, and for healing of your precious babies. As many have said: thank you so much for keeping us informed with this blog!
    "When I am afraid
    I put my trust in you: (Psalm 56:3)

    Uncle Ron and Aunt Margaret
