Tuesday, April 28, 2009

From Daddy:

Someone pointed out to me today that when we don't post for a few days in a row that it causes concern. But our reason for this in the last few days is all good--its the typical newborn home and nobody in the house is sleeping reason. Nobody except our three year old that is.

Actually Nora is sleeping a lot...and eating a lot... and pooping a lot. 

Ryan (recent photo below) has some good news as well--Total Bilirubin is down to 7.1, he looks much better, his weight is up to 2.45 kg, and his enteral feeds are up to 7ml/hr (15.6ml/hr total fluids now). There are starting to be discussions about his reconnection surgery coming soon!

So, sorry about the length between posts, I am so dedicated to keeping our friends and family in the know that I am typing this one-handed with Nora asleep on my chest. (I know, I make this parenting thing look easy.)


  1. Wonderful!! Ryan looks so good, and at 5.4 pounds too!! Loved all of the good news and photos!

    Nana and Grandpa Wayne

  2. You are SOOO the man John! Look at you making it look so easy!! Ryan is such a cutie pie. We're praying and praying still and it will continue!

