Monday, May 11, 2009

Tuesday--Surgery Day

Ryan's surgery is Tuesday, May 12--probably late morning.  Please be praying it is complication-free and better than anyone could imagine (no more dead bowel)--that his recovery is quick and pain-free and that he is comfortable and feels the love.  Please be praying for the surgeon's hands and decision-making.
We appreciate the prayer support and will update when there's news.  Thanks and we love you too!
(post comments, please! we are finding encouragement in them!)


  1. we are praying, praying, praying.

  2. Sending our prayers. Love this picture. Ryan looks so cute!!

  3. Dear John & Jessica,

    We will continue to pray for sweet Ryan, his doctors and medical staff, and the entire O'Neill family.
    Love Mom & Dad (Nana and Grandpa Wayne)

  4. John and Jessica
    We are praying like crazy up here in Saginaw for Ryan and your whole family. He is such an amazing little miracle and so darn cute!!!
    Jessi LaVigne & Saginaw VA Pharmacy

  5. Prayers coming from North Dakota for little Ryan today!


  6. Dear Jessica & John,

    We are with you in prayer, for our dear, sweet, beautiful baby, great grandson, Ryan. Love the adorable photo of Ryan.
    God bless your dear family. Grandma Joanie & grandpa Buddy

  7. Praying in Virginia...and many more are praying here with us! Plus you have all of the prayers of a Catholic Mom's Message board that I belong to. Ryan and Nora have prayers all around the world! What an amazing thought.

    The other night Max (6) was praying for Nora and Ryan and said "God, I'll never stop praying for them, so please just listen now, OK?" (Except he says it with a little southern twang now...not kidding)!

    Love and hugs to you all.


  8. Thanks for posting all of the things that Ryan is not related to his medical conditions. He is really a special guy!
    Love, Shannon

  9. Jessica & John - Prayers are going up as we speak in Wash DC for little Ryan and your family. More prayers to come when I get home with the family in WV.
    Sharon (your booby babies friend)
