Saturday, May 30, 2009

100 days

From Daddy:

Throughout this saga I couldn't help draw some parallels to the story in the Bible about a man named Job. For those who know the story, there are obviously some things that are very similar and some things that are very different. The point of the story is supposed to give hope to people that are suffering greatly, not to give you a basis of comparison. But I can't help making some comparisons.

The first, most obvious comparison to me is that Jobs friends aren't very good. Job's friends were telling him to deny God, that Job's faith was in vain, and that God would never show him his face. Meanwhile, our friends, you guys, have been telling us to put our hopes in God . Our friends have told us that it was understandable if our faith was shaken a bit and that they would lift us up with their faith and love. Our friends have been the face of God!

Secondly, the Bible doesn't really mention how long it took Satan to bring Job to his complete demise. One might think it all happened at once. Today makes 100 days for us, 100 trips to the hospital, 100 days of worry, 100 days of wondering why God would allow something like this to happen, 100 days of praying that it would all come to an ending the way that Job's story did. But, the Bible also doesn't mention how long it took for God to restore Job.

Jessica and I sat down the other night for an infrequent moment to have a discussion. We decided that we needed to end this period of self-loathing and except the blessings present in our much-changed lives. We decided it was time to move on! One problem we agreed was that things cannot move forward so long as Ryan is in the hospital. So we decided we would talk to the surgeons and push to have Ryan come home. The things they are doing at the hospital now (slowly escalating enteral foods and weaning TPN) are things we will have to do at home regardless. 

And almost as if they heard us talking, the surgical team called us the next morning to say that they wanted to start Ryan on a short path to go home--maybe Monday or Tuesday.

Can you believe it, for the first time in over 100 days, our entire family will be home at last!

Praise to God, and our deepest gratitude to all of you.


  1. The first 100 days calls for a huge celebration in both Mike and I's cultures (korean and chinese)- it is a huge milestone. We are so grateful for God's provision for you all thus far, and will continue to pray. The news of Ryan coming home next week is so exciting!!

  2. WOW! Crying tears of joy yet again for your family. It is understandable that your faith has been tested through this trial. It's ok to be angry at God. He can take it. He's a Big God. The important thing is that you never turn your back on Him and that's what our prayer has been for you...that you find your way through your new life and challenges, but that you never leave God out of the picture. Although I'm sure there are times that it doesn't FEEL like it, He is holding your family in His loving embrace and watching you grow and learn and love.

    Max and Ian are going to be so excited to hear that Ryan is coming home! Our prayers are with you always.



  3. We are excited at the prospect of Ryan coming home this week. What an incredibly long 100 days. No one should have to endure what you have gone through. We're praying the next 100 days are very different.
    Love, Shannon and Jim
